Recent advancements in enterprise retail software enable multi-locations to harness software solution integration to improve their inventory management and selling capabilities. Furthermore, cashless payment software is within almost every retail location, and contactless ordering options broaden your accommodations and allow you to serve more customers. Moreover, upgrading your enterprise retail software is essential for locations seeking to implement revenue-generating solutions.
In sum, some of the best enterprise retail software solutions include:
- Enterprise Retail Payroll Deductions
- Contactless Ordering for Enterprise Retail
- Enterprise Reporting for Retail Locations

Enterprise Retail Payroll Deductions
- Firstly, cashless payments come in many forms which include credit cards, mobile phone payments, and employee payroll deductions.
- Also, our payroll deduction software, ArbaRapidPay, allows staff to use their ID badges to complete payments to their company gift store or supply shop, with funds taken from their paychecks
- Presently, we integrate these payments with your POS register sales for ease of documenting and reporting your employee purchases and also make automatic on-hand inventory and sales updates after each transaction.
- Additionally, an export file generates automatically by your POS system at the end of each pay cycle and automatically recognizes new or employees under termination.

Contactless Ordering for Enterprise Retail
- Incorporating contactless ordering solutions within your enterprise retail software is one of the best ways to incentivize more customers and employees to visit your location.
- Our online ordering software enables users to select items for pick-up, delivery, or shipping, as well as allowing cashless payments such as credit card and even payroll deductions.
- Our online store integrates with your in-store sales and inventory data and makes automatic updates to your POS data after online transactions.

Enterprise Reporting for Retail Locations
- Moreover, managers will greatly make use of our data reporting features that allow managers to view data at local, regional, or enterprise levels.
- Next, they will easily notice a favorable or unfavorable item with purchasing history reports and be allowed to make adjustments to the items they offer.
- Evidently, this will optimize your inventory spending and selling operations, utilizing your best inventory items and prioritizing options that are known to sell.
Lastly, these software solutions are crucial to improving your overall selling and management capabilities, and as a result, generate more revenue on account of more customers being able to be serviced.
Author: Max Jovanovic
Next, learn more about our Retail POS