An online store POS for retail enables managers to obtain automatic updates to their sales and inventory data from both online and in-store purchases. Incorporating integrated online selling software is essential for locations looking to generate an extra stream of revenue without requiring additional manual tasks. Utilizing online store POS for retail also incentivizes customers and employees to make purchases more frequently by offering the latest contactless and cashless POS solutions.
Now, we’ll discuss the best improvements online store POS for retail offers:
- Cashless Online Store Payments
- Online Store Sales & Inventory Integration
- Other Online Store Upgrades for Retail

Cashless Online Store Payments
Customers and employees should be able to utilize cashless payment software in any online store solution. This will further incentivize them to make purchases using your online store and offer the chance to obtain a fully contactless and cashless purchasing experience.
Customers regularly use cashless payment tenders that take the form of NFC payments, tap-to-pay terminals, and digital e-wallets such as Google or Apple Pay. Employees, on the other hand, have their own cashless payment software which is payroll deductions. This solution allows your staff to complete payments for online or in-store orders from their company store or gift shop, with funds taken from their paychecks at the end of the pay period. This offers a much more favorable payment solution to your staff and saves a lot of time in terms of completing orders and payments.
Our payroll deduction software, ArbaRapidPay, allows these same purchases to be made and additionally integrates with your POS register sales for ease of documenting and reporting your online sales. Managers will take advantage of this selling solution and be able to offer the most optimal selling strategies to both their customers and employees. We also generate your export file to be deducted from employee paychecks, which will assist your accounting and payroll department when it comes time to take funds.

Online Store Sales & Inventory Integration
As stated previously, we integrate your payments for both your online and in-store sales to maintain clean sales data within your location. By doing so, managers will cut out many manual tasks that involve tracking these purchases. This task involves a lot of time, so cutting out manual processes allows managers to spend their time on more beneficial tasks. Data reporting will also immensely benefit from the use of integrated sales data, and managers will be able to notice sections of improvement much more easily.
Integrating inventory data is essential when incorporating an online store solution within your retail location. This allows automatic on-hand quantity updates after each online and in-store transaction, meaning managers will not have to worry about their POS data not being up to date. In turn, managers will easily be able to notice favorable and unfavorable items which will help with running special selling events, discounts, and marketing campaigns.

Other Online Store Upgrades for Retail
Locations that incorporate online selling software will assist their loyalty programs as well. These include punch cards and customer credit accounts which will incentivize your customers and staff to make repeat purchases and visit more frequently than before. These purchases and contributions are automatically tracked and monitored by your POS system for ease of maintaining accumulated funds that each employee and staff member has to spend.
Integrating your inventory will also allow managers to spot inventory items that lack revenue generation and ones that are known to sell. They can also set up automatic re-order notices within their back-office software that notifies them of popular items that need restocking. This will help maintain tighter control over your inventory spending and effectively cut costs and items that lack the ability to generate an adequate number of sales.
Incorporating online store software is a great way to generate more sales, but it is more important to find an integrated solution that doesn’t entail extra manual tasks from doing so. Managers should be able to find a selling solution that will assist in further improvements to selling, inventory, and marketing strategies, in which up-to-date and accurate data is crucial.
These solutions are the best improvements that implemented an integrated online store software offers, and managers should note these when searching for ways to cut costs, generate more sales, and maintain tighter control over their business as a whole.
Author: Max Jovanovic
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