A corporate company online store software makes it easier to document employee sales and inventory levels by utilizing POS integration that makes automatic updates to your back-office database. When selling online, it is imperative to incorporate these solutions to ensure that your on-premises sales and inventory data update with your online transactions. Incorporating corporate online company store software also incentivizes both customers and staff to make purchases more frequently and offers the latest in cashless and contactless systems to accommodate more ordering and payment preferences.
In short, some of the best reasons to utilize online store software include:
- Integrated Cashless Online Payments
- Automated Online & In-store Inventory Data
- Other Solutions Used in Online Company Stores

Integrated Cashless Online Payments
Offering the latest in cashless payment software gives more reasons for customers and staff to order from your corporate company store. Customers regularly utilize cashless solutions such as NFC payments, tap-to-pay, and digital e-wallets such as Google or Apple Pay. Integrating these payments with your online store software is essential to ensure that each sale is making automatic updates to your on-premises sales data for ease of documenting these purchases. By doing so, managers will have a much easier time reporting their sales from both online and on-premises purchases, in addition to receiving clean-cut sales data to further improve selling strategies.
Employee purchases are another facet of the corporate company store that will generate more revenue for your operation. The latest cashless payment software for employees to utilize includes employee payroll deductions. This solution allows employees to use their ID badges and payroll deduction accounts to make purchases from their company store, with funds taken from their paychecks.
Our payroll deduction software, ArbaRapidPay, allows these same payments to be made in addition to integrating with your POS register sales. This means that managers will receive comprehensive data reports from both their customer and employee sales, which will make it much easier to report each individual sale. Additionally, we also assist in creating your deduction export file for each pay period with correct quantities that are up to date. This will help your accounting and payroll staff determine amounts to be deducted while ensuring that managers will not have to separately keep track of their employee sales. This software is available for both in-store and online purchases and offers the chance to incorporate a fully contactless and cashless purchasing experience for your staff.

Automated Online & In-store Inventory Data
Automating inventory is the next crucial step that comes with incorporating a new point-of-sale solution. By making automatic adjustments to your on-premises inventory levels, managers are now able to implement an extra stream of revenue for their business with little-to-no extra tasks. In the past, there was a requirement for locations to manually keep track of both their on-site and online sales, not to mention the different types of payments with the introduction of solutions such as payroll deductions. We offer direct resolutions to this issue with our online store software for company stores, which ensures you are utilizing the most optimal selling and data collection solution.
By having consistent access to up-to-date sales and inventory data, managers will easily be able to notice popular items and ones that do not typically sell as much. This offers the chance to optimize your selling and inventory purchasing strategies that will, in turn, cut costs exponentially and offer products that are known to generate revenue. Our software solution for online stores also allows managers to set up automatic re-order points in their inventory database that notify them of when certain items are running low and need restocking. This expands the automation of your software solution and saves even more time for other tasks.

Other Solutions Used in Online Stores
Integrating your corporate company online store software will give access to much better data reports that managers will surely take advantage of. They will be able to utilize these to improve your general strategies or begin running special events and fundraisers within your location that are known to incentivize more customers and staff to make purchases. Contributions for fundraisers are automatically tracked by your ARBA system and give managers complete control over all aspects of these special events.
These solutions are available for both single and multiple locations, meaning that managers of multi-store operations now have access to a fully automatic solution that can handle all of their business data. Allocating resources, inventory, and other aspects of your multi-store operation are much more feasible by utilizing multi-store software integration and ensuring that each location is harnessing the computing power of automatic cashless and contactless solutions.
Furthermore, setting up loyalty programs is a great strategy that contributes to customer retention and repeat visitation. By offering customers and employees these commodities, you are incorporating solutions that will surely incentivize more patrons to choose your location over others, and continued business as a result. Our loyalty programs come with multiple fulfillment options which include methods such as punch cards and customer credit accounts that your ARBA system automatically tracks.
In sum, company store operations should be utilizing the latest in online store solutions. They allow a more automatic business operation in addition to incentivizing more customers to make purchases than ever before.
Author: Max Jovanovic
Next, learn more about Multi-store Company Store