Cashless payment systems are becoming a necessary component of optimal purchasing experiences. The use of cashless payment solutions will greatly enhance your ordering and checkout process, and incentivize customers to make purchases from your retail or foodservice locations more frequently. Benefits of cashless payment systems include:
Faster Checkout Times
Enhanced Convenience
Enhanced Availability
Accommodated Preferences
Increased Revenue
Additional Participation

Cashless Payment System Software
Moreover, there are many forms that cashless payment software may take. One of the most popular implementations is employee payroll deductions which allows staff to make payments to their cafeteria or gift shop with funds taken from their weekly salaries. Furthermore, customers and employees prefer this method of completing food service and retail orders and incentivize employees to make purchases more often.
Cashless Payment Systems with ARBA
Additionally, our payroll deduction software, ArbaRapidPay, allows employees to make ID badge scanning payments. These integrate with your other POS software for ease of documenting and tracking payroll deduction purchases. Online ordering, self-service kiosks, and your POS register come equipped with full integration. This allows managers to take advantage of easy-to-use data reporting features to make enhancements to their selling operations.
Integrated Sales Software
Integrated Inventory Solutions
Data Reporting & Tracking
Automated Inventory Adjustments
Online and On-site Sales
Full Back-office Control

POS Solutions with Cashless Payments
Self-Service kiosks: Firstly, self-ordering technology makes a great pair with cashless payment solutions. Employees will make use of our self-service kiosks to place orders at their cafeteria and complete transactions with their payroll deductions. This allows a fully contactless purchasing experience for your staff.
Online Ordering: Payroll deduction purchases are also available for your online purchasing. After choosing items from the gift shop or cafeteria, employees may use their payroll deduction accounts to complete payments for their online purchases. Evidently, our online ordering integrates with your on-premise sales as well as making automatic on-hand inventory updates after each transaction
Mobile Applications: Moreover, the use of a mobile application within your cafeteria or other food service operations will offer your employees a branded ordering experience. Furthermore, the use of a mobile app quickly allows customers and employees to access your cafeteria menu and choose items for pick-up or delivery. Allowing payroll deduction purchases combined with a mobile application with greatly increase your cafeteria selling potential.
In sum, these cashless enhancements to your retail and food service operations will greatly improve overall selling capabilities and management strategies. The use of integrated software is essential for optimal reporting and automates many tasks for managers.