Employee badge systems enable cashless payments for your staff and incorporate a preferred payment solution. Furthermore, utilizing ID badge scanning within your retail and foodservice location is the best way to increase participation and revenue from your employees and is currently in use in some of the largest operations nationwide. Evidently, managers have noted employee badge systems as the best method of selling to employees, and regularly see returns on investment within the same year of implementation. Additionally, integrating these payments within your POS database is the next step in improving your overall selling capabilities, which this blog will discuss.
In short, this blog will go over:
- ID Badge Scanning Explanation
- Foodservice ID Badge Scanning Improvements
- Retail Badge Scanning for Employees

ID Badge Scanning Explanation
- ID badge scanning software, or payroll deductions, allow staff to use their ID badges to complete payments from their retail or foodservice provider at their place of work.
- This incorporates much faster checkout times and accommodates your employees’ busy schedules which incentivize repeat business.
- Our payroll deduction solution, ArbaRapidPay, utilizes this same software and takes the extra step by integrating these payments with your POS register sales.
- This allows for automatic updates to your sales and inventory data after each transaction and disables the need for managers to track their employee sales manually.
Our POS software also automatically generates your employee export file which automatically recognizes terminated, or new employees. Along with this, external employees, such as contractors or physicians, may also have payroll deduction accounts set up for their time at the given location.

Foodservice Badge Scanning Improvements
- Foodservice locations regularly utilize ID payments and have noted the improvements to their selling abilities after implementation.
- Accommodating your staff’s break time is one of the best ways to incentivize regular visitation and is an overall morale booster.
- Foodservice managers regularly note the selling improvements their experience when implementing this software, and typically see a rise in overall participation from employees
- Self-ordering software will benefit from implementing an ID badge scanning solution as well. This offers employees to take advantage of fully contactless ordering and payment software which is known to be much more preferred since their breaks are limited

Retail Badge Scanning for Employees
- Gift shops, supply stores, and other retail operations alike are strong users of cashless payment software, and now have the chance to accommodate their employees as well.
- ArbaRapidPay not only makes automatic adjustments to your sales data, but your inventory as well. This means that managers can bolster their selling capabilities at little-to-no extra labor on account of having to update their inventory.
- ArbaRapidPay is available for online ordering software as well, and managers now have a chance to incorporate a fully contactless purchasing experience for staff, which is known to be more preferred than previous methods.
- Being that our ID badge scanning software is readily available for in-store and online sales, it also makes automatic updates to your on-premises database for ease of documentation and reporting.
Lastly, these ID badge scanning improvements are regularly noted by retail and foodservice managers alike as revenue-generating solutions. Moreover, locations that have yet to implement software of this nature are regularly put at a disadvantage compared to those that have, hence the need to update your operations’ software solutions.
Author: Max Jovanovic
Next, learn more about Payroll Deductions POS