Utilizing multi-site management POS (point-of-sale) software solutions is essential to optimizing your multiple location operations. Multi-location managers have the daunting task of organizing and tracking their multi-site data, hence the need for an integrated multi-site management solution. Incorporating automation within your POS tasks is the best method of reducing human errors and generating more revenue for your business. Locations continuing to utilize manual methods of tracking their business data are put at a significant disadvantage and could be spending more of their time on more critical tasks.
In short, here are the best multi-site management solutions we offer:
- Multi-site Data Integration
- Cashless Payments for Multi-site
- Other Useful Multi-site Solutions

Multi-site Data Integration
- Firstly, managers will receive compiled data reports from all of their locations’ point of sale systems which allows much tighter control over sales and inventory management.
- Also, we integrate all of your cashless payments, including your employee payroll deduction purchases, within your back-office software for ease of documenting all sales.
- Moreover, our software solutions for retail locations integrate your on-site inventory and make automatic updates to your on-hand quantities after both online and in-store transactions.
- Evidently, having clear-cut data allows managers to optimize their available items and

Cashless Payments for Multi-site
- As mentioned earlier, we integrate your employee payroll deduction purchases with your POS register sales for ease of documenting your employee sales. We also automatically generate your export file at the end of each pay period with the correct deduction amounts for each employee’s paycheck.
- Your online sales also integrate with your on-site transactions, allowing managers to incorporate the most preferred method of placing orders and a new stream of revenue at little-to-no extra labor.
- Our self-ordering technology allows staff and customers to place foodservice orders using a standalone touchscreen terminal. This allows for much faster checkout times and can also be implemented in your POS register hardware in the case that staff is unavailable to take orders.

Other Useful Multi-site Solutions
- Our local offline mode allows your locations to continue their regular sales operations even in the event of a lost internet connection. This saves you from losing out on sales for a given period of time and is also useful for off-site fundraising events. Your POS data can be uploaded directly to your database once the connection is restored.
- Physical inventory tablet software is essential for retail locations looking for a method of speeding up their physical inventory counting process. Our mobile tablet software allows managers to adjust their on-hand inventory quantities and upload them directly to their database.
- Gift cards are an available tender type with our software solutions and managers will take advantage of the automated tracking protocols exhibited within the software allowing for a much easier tracking method for your gift card sales data.
Multi-site management solutions are essential for all point-of-sale operations. Integrating your data will bring about more revenue and improved strategies for both sales and inventory data management methods.
Author: Max Jovanovic
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