Payroll Deduction POS is the most popular Cashless Payment Solution right now that can be seen in hospitals, corporations, factories, and more! Business owners love it because it generates extra revenue and employees love it because it provides them with great convenience.
POS Payroll Deduction Software Policy
This program particularly suits the busy healthcare worker with limits on break time, who is running around the hospital without their wallet or purse, or the office worker who wants to get their lunch and return to their desk as quickly as possible. Staff members and workers view the ability to scan the ID badge to buy breakfast, lunch, or snacks as a convenient benefit. Payroll deductions are all about saving time, and moving employees through checkout faster so they spend less time in line and may return to work faster.

POS Payroll Deduction Solution Policy
So how does your company or health care facility protect itself from employees who may leave the company or facility with an outstanding payroll deduction balance? The most common method is to set a payroll deduction limit, which works very much like a revolving credit account. The difference of course is that deductions removal occurs from future paychecks, rather than making payments on a billing cycle. Complete determining this limit by weighing what is a reasonable amount for an employee to spend per pay period in combination with how much the company or hospital could afford to lose if an employee leaves and the remaining balance is outstanding before issuing the final paycheck. Cafés and coffee bars will often arrive at the spending limit by estimating the maximum realistic amount of food and beverage purchases an employee could potentially make during the pay period.

Point of Sale Payroll Deduction Policy
Other facilities operate their café or coffee bar purely as a benefit and convenience to their employees with a goal of breaking even on costs, and therefore elect not to enforce a limit. They find that the goodwill and benefit the café provides their employees is of primary importance, and far outweighs any potential risk.
Finally, some human resource departments require their employees to complete an enrollment form to sign up for the program, with language specifying responsibility for any outstanding payroll deduction balances should employment end. Usually, this serves to discourage employees from running up a high balance that their final paycheck cannot cover. Signature lines on register receipts for payroll deduction transactions also helps enforce payment, however keep in mind that this will add time to the transaction.
Arba’s cashless payments (ARBARapidPay) are quick, and secure and are commonly used in hospital cafeterias, gift shops, and universities/colleges. Employees and students can scan their badges that are barcoded, magnetic striped (or equipped with RFID proximity badges). Staff and students can manage to spend, receive notifications, and track purchases and account balances. Employees and students can also track their balances and purchases via the web portal which interfaces with the ARBA POS system.
CLICK HERE to find out more about our POS Payroll Deduction Program or contact us at [email protected] or (630) 620-8566