Inventory counting services are available with certain POS (point-of-sale) providers. These enhancements to your inventory management strategies will allow managers to maintain much tighter control over their business data and expedite many once-tedious processes. For instance, counting physical inventory is typically a dreaded process and takes a lot of time to complete; this also disables the chance to conduct sales until the process is complete, leaving many locations unable to sell for a prolonged period. We’ll take a look at some of the best inventory counting services and software available and note the benefits of utilizing one within your gift shop or other retail location.
In short, inventory counting should assist with:
- Integrating Inventory POS Data
- Physical Inventory Services Upgrades
- Benefits of Having Optimized Inventory Data

Integrating Inventory POS Data
- Inventory POS integration allows automatic updates to your back-office data after each transaction, regardless of tender type or POS software being used to complete the order.
- Our POS software enables these automated updates to your back-office inventory after each transaction, even for your online sales. This will make on-hand quantity updates to your inventory in accordance with your on-premises quantities.
- We also integrate your inventory for all of your tender types, including employee payroll deduction (ArbaRapidPay) transactions.
- This will not only make it easier to document your on-hand inventory quantities but also assist with your data reporting with the inclusion of consistently up-to-date inventory levels.

Physical Inventory Services Upgrades
- The physical inventory counting process typically takes a very long time to complete, and locations are unable to sell during this time since they must update their entire inventory database before they can begin selling items.
- Our multi-purpose and mobile physical inventory tablets come equipped with a built-in scanner that allows for a much faster counting process.
- Managers will be able to create, store, and manage inventory worksheets within a single piece of hardware. After making on-hand adjustments, they are then able to upload their new inventory levels directly to their database.

Benefits of Having Optimized Inventory Data
- Optimizing your inventory data allows managers to easily spot popular and poor-selling items and. adjust their strategies thereafter.
- This will bolster your marketing campaigns and special selling events to ensure that prioritized items are being utilized for these selling strategies.
- Optimizing your inventory also heavily assists your inventory spending strategies and allows managers to optimize their available items to only sell ones that are known to bring in revenue.
Lastly, these inventory counting services improvements are necessary for locations looking to optimize their inventory spending and available items. Furthermore, speeding up the physical inventory process is also a great way to further optimize your back-office data. Evidently, this will help managers easily spot improvements that will assist your locations’ selling strategies.
Author: Max Jovanovic
Next, learn more about Physical Inventory Tablets