Payroll deductions software for cafeterias contributes to both increases in revenue and participation from employee cafeteria locations. Payroll deductions allow your employees to use their ID badges to make purchases from your cafeteria. With funds being taken from employees’ weekly salaries, payroll deductions offer convenience to your employees and save time on the ordering process. Faster checkout times and ordering accommodations make payroll deductions the leading payment method for businesses and are a necessary component of employee cafeteria operations.
ARBA’s payroll deductions software automatically tracks all employee purchases as a deduction balance from employee paychecks. These employee accounts are set up with spending limits and include loyalty programs for food service operations and encourage customers to make future purchases that entail repeat business. Non-employees, such as contractors, can also use ID badge scanning and have accounts set up for them during their time at the location. Payroll deductions software for cafeterias allows for enhanced data reporting integrated with other POS sales, allowing for ease of documenting all sales regardless of payment type. With ARBA, employees with no ID badge may still make purchases with a badge number or name.

Cafeteria Payroll Deductions Software – Self Service Kiosk
Preferences for self-service kiosk software amongst cafeteria customers continue. The contactless features of self-service kiosks allow for safety enhancements and incentivized ordering like no other. Customers can take their time choosing items, which allows upselling protocols to occur naturally. With the pairing of payroll deduction software, locations will achieve a fully-rounded contactless experience for their employees and cater to multiple preferences of ordering.
Self-service kiosks integrate with payroll deduction software and are ideal for employee purchases within the cafeteria. We can configure self-service kiosks with auto-rotating menus that help automatically manage different food menus during the day. Along with this, our payroll deductions software for cafeterias, ArbaRapidPay, allows for concrete data reporting from your payroll deduction POS purchases and other purchases such as credit cards. ARBA’s kiosk software also allows for item modifiers to be placed on certain food items, allowing complete customization for orders.

Employee Cafeteria Payroll Deductions Software – Online Ordering
Online ordering software that integrates with payroll deductions opens an entirely new form of ordering for customers and employees. This adds another point of sale to which your customers will make purchases from your location. Custom ordering preferences allow more customers to make purchases from your cafeteria, which allows improvements in the ordering process.
ARBA’s online ordering allows customers and employees to take advantage of a public or private online ordering URL. Our software integrates with payroll deduction software and employees may make use of their payroll deduction accounts to buy items online. Sending later submissions of orders in the day to kitchen printers and kitchen display systems for preparation is also available. Fully integrate ARBA’s online ordering software with your cafeteria operation to achieve a faster and more thorough point of sale.

Fundraising Software
Locations may make use of their payroll deduction accounts to allow for fundraising events to take place within their food service. This contactless, cashless payment solution is ideal for bake sales, uniform sales, and other special events. This offers a convenient way for employees to participate in fundraising events and special offers. Managers may choose a start and end date, along with a spending limit for each fundraising event. Back-office managers can determine whether deductions will be taken from one paycheck or split over multiple pay periods, and multiple fundraising events can run simultaneously.
Common areas we find payroll deductions:
- Hospital Cafeterias
- Hospital Gift Shops
- Corporate Company Stores
- Corporate Cafeteria
- Logistics/Shipping Company Stores
- Logistics/Shipping Cafeterias
Payroll deduction solutions show to be very well-received by locations that implement the software and allow for an overall faster ordering/checkout experience. The combination of the above-mentioned products and payroll deductions will incentivize employees to contribute more to their company’s gift shop or cafeteria locations, and increase revenue for many locations by upwards of 25%. Achieve enterprise-level and scalable data reporting for ease of documenting all point-of-sale transactions with ARBA Retail Systems.
Author: Max Jovanovic & Blake Bell