A cloud based point of sale software entails multiple improvements to both data hosting strategies and overall security. Many on-premises software users are making the switch to cloud POS solutions, and this blog will detail some of the benefits of doing so. In short, cloud point of sale allows locations to host their data by utilizing a cloud hosting provider. This offers a much more secure and accessible data hosting method for retail and foodservice locations.
Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:
- Cloud Based Data Accessibility
- Improved Security with Cloud Software
- Other Important Cloud Hosting Information

Cloud Based Data Accessibility
Utilizing cloud based point of sale software entails unparalleled accessibility for managers. On-premises users currently have to remain on-site to access their back-office POS data. When using a cloud solution, managers are able to access their data using any device from any location. This gives the ultimate accessibility power to those who may have to make changes to their POS operations. This is preferable over on-premises hosting options and offers a much faster method of making changes to your point of sale strategies.
Our software includes robust analytics and 24/7 support for managers. By being able to access their data at any given point from any location, managers may view data points from their back-office software and adjust their POS tasks as needed. Giving the most optimal access to managers cuts a lot of time in terms of being able to make changes to operations, and paired with our 24/7 support, they have access to assistance whenever necessary.

Improved Security with Cloud Software
Cloud hosting options are famous for their improvements in data security protocols. Improving your overall security protects your POS data more so and disables many common occurrences in the past. This also, in turn, provides enhanced scalability and functionality; managers will have fewer occurrences of issues with their POS or back-office software, allowing them to make improvements without the fear of damaging data.
Disaster recovery is an essential role that POS software must acquire. Losing out on sales and/or inventory data is a dreaded experience that many point of sale managers are currently facing. By utilizing cloud hosting data back-ups, managers will no longer have to worry about losing out on precious data that can improve their operations. Another disaster recovery method we utilize is local offline selling, which allows managers to continue sales operations even in the event of an internet outage. Once the connection is restored, they can upload their sales and inventory data directly to the database and automatically update their back-office figures instead of losing out on them for the day.

Other Important Cloud Hosting Information
Our cloud POS software is run on Microsoft Azure, as well as other cloud software such as AWS and Google. These can be run on a private cloud, but the best way to optimize the benefits of Microsoft Azure is to run it on our Azure based version which is cost-effective and much more scalable. In addition to these benefits, Azure also allows businesses to share content across multiple virtual machines and utilizes a much more preferred subscription based payment method for locations.
In general, cloud hosting options offer unlimited storage capacity and negate any issues with storing your POS data. The move to cloud software is quickly being utilized by some of the largest operations, and using unlimited storage capacity ensures the constant available growth that your business may obtain. Almost all Fortune 500 companies rely on using Azure solutions for their data storage and app deployment, in turn, Microsoft POS has become the choice of cloud computing options.
Locations of any size should be utilizing cloud hosting options when wanting to improve and expand their abilities. Support, analytics, scalability, and functionality are all easily obtainable with the use of cloud computing options such as Microsoft Azure.
Author: Max Jovanovic
Next, learn more about Microsoft Azure